Ozona Consulting · ISO 20000, ISO 270001, ISO 22301 consultancy

Three Steps to Business Continuity: A new book from Saul Midler and Frank Herdmann

Business continuity experts Saul Midler, ISO 22301 Project Leader, and Frank Herdmann, member of the ISO 22301, editorial team, have recently published the book Three Steps to Business Continuity. In it, they explain the main concepts used in ISO 22301, showing how to apply them in an organization. From Ozona, we recommend this book. It is interesting for those who want to familiarize themselves with the ISO 22301 standard and its implementation, as well as for those who already use it and seek to delve deeper, verify concepts and clarify their ideas.

Our Business Continuity Director, Uxía Fernández, also an editor of ISO 22301, has had the opportunity to work with Saul and Frank for the past 5 years as part of the ISO/TC 292 – Security and resilience technical committee. Having followed the work of both authors closely, Uxía wants to share her opinion on Three Steps to Business Continuity. Below is her review.


“I’ve known Saul and Frank for several years. I’ve recently read their book and having worked with them all this time on the revision of both ISO 22301 and ISO 22317, my expectations were very high. Yet, I must say they have exceeded them.

Combining theoretical parts that explain the core concepts of ISO 22301 with a case study makes the book enjoyable and easy to read. I also think that the company on which the case study is based, a small carpentry, is a great choice. It helps readers from all brackgrounds. For those accustomed to the structure of large organizations, it can be helpful to simplify the often-complex approaches taken in those companies in order to better understand the goals of certain points. On the other hand, for those who believe that business continuity is only meant for large companies in specific sectors, it shows that, in fact, all types of organizations, regardless of their sector or size, can benefit from having a business continuity management system in place.

So, congratulations to the authors, @Saul and @Frank! I hope we can meet in person again in 2022!”


Uxía Fernández has extensive experience in Business Continuity consultancy and auditing projects. She is a member of the ISO/TC 292 international committee, which develops ISO documents related to the ISO 22301 standard. In fact, Uxía is the Project Leader of ISO/TS 22317 – Guidelines for business impact analysis. Furthermore, she is a Member of the Busines Continuity Institute (MBCI), a certifies ISO 22301 Master, and member of the Board of the BCI Spain Chapter.

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