Ozona Consulting · ISO 20000, ISO 270001, ISO 22301 consultancy

Demand management in Camper (Webinar)

Enric Roca, IT Infrastructure Manager at Camper, and Diego Berea, Director of Ozona Consulting, gave a presentation at BrightTalk about the implementation of demand management and capacity management processes at for the IT services of Camper using the Obsidian service monitoring platform .

The presentation has 28673 visits in YouTube and 301 likes. Although the video is in Spanish, it has subtitles in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

Capacity management vs. Demand management

Apart from describing a capacity management process for IT services, ITIL and ISO 20000 also illustrate a demand management process.

  • What are the differences between demand management and capacity management?
  • How can they be implemented effectively in an organization?
  • Is it possible to automate them?
  • Finally, can they be equipped with artificial intelligence?

On the other hand, the effective implementation of these processes in organizations providing IT services is not without challenges. In this sense, this presentation showed some keys to do it successfully, following the good practices of ITIL and the requirements of ISO 20000-1:2018.

Process implementation in Camper using Obsidian

Using Camper’s real-life case, Enric Roca and Diego Berea discussed how to analyze the capacity of IT services. They also explained how to make a capacity plan and how to monitor it. Finally, they showed how to analyze demand, apply artificial intelligence techniques to estimate its evolution and detect behavioral patterns.

Other presentations by Ozona Consulting on BrightTalk

With this presentation, Ozona Consulting participated in the itSMF Spain tools course for the second year in a row. Previously, in 2017, Raquel Fernández had discussed the calculation of SLAs with Obsidian. In 2016, Diego Berea presented another webinar with David A. Smith about new trends in IT service monitoring.

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